Adding files with reminder dates - V3.0 - EN

Adding files with reminder dates - V3.0 - EN


This article aims to describe the functionalities for adding files with specific callback dates.

Step 1 : Datetime format fields

On the campaign, you must have a field in datetime format.

Step 2 : Import files

In the import file, you must have the date in the format of ; yyyy-mm-dd and hh:mm:ss which would correspond to the reminder date.

Examples of CSV are : 

  1. Id, Tel, Callback_2
  2. 55,00128585,2023-03-27 14:03:00
  3. 56,00129645,2023-03-27 14:02:00
  4. 57,00121597,2023-03-27 14:04:00
It should be noted that the format may vary depending on the machine, for some it may be '/' instead of '-' for the datetime format.

The format to be used should be '-' for the datetime format in the CSV file.

Step 3 : Activity

For the activities, you need to put a filter like : 

Les rappels vont se faire en fonction de la disponibilité des ressources (dialer, agent, planning, nb de lignes, etc)

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