Agent interface http.config keys

Agent interface http.config keys

In regards to the configuration of the available media for an agent, please find below the explanations of the corresponding keys and how to activate or deactivate them at config level in the http.config/global file.

Note that:
  1. Values are by default from programming where 1 means active and 0 means inactive.
  2. When the value is set larger than 1, more than one media (voice call, mail or chat) is allowed.
While from excerpt of the http.config file Voice only is activated by default and the value is set at 1, you may choose what media you want to activate by setting the value of the following keys at 1 as well:
  1. concurrentVoice
  2. concurrentChat
  3. concurrentMail
In order to force the app server to distribute only one contact at the same time (blending), you need to configure these additional keys with the value set at 0:
  1. concurrentVoiceOthers
  2. concurrentChatOthers
  3. concurrentMailOthers
The updated config should therefore be as follows:

      <add key="concurrentVoice" value="1"/> 
      <add key="concurrentVoiceActive" value="1"/>
      <add key="concurrentVoiceOthers" value="0"/>
      -> means that no other voice media can be distributed 

      <add key="concurrentMail" value="1"/>
      <add key="concurrentMailActive" value="1"/>
      <add key="concurrentMailOthers" value="0"/>
      -> means that no other mail media can be distributed 

      <add key="concurrentChat" value="1"/>
      <add key="concurrentChatActive" value="1"/>
      <add key="concurrentChatOthers" value="0"/>
      -> means that no other chat media can be distributed 

The agent can also make its choice of media [mail/call/chat] when he chooses to be ready, but you have to make sure that this option is activated in the http.config file with the following keys:

      <add key="client_AllowWaitingForChat" value="true" />
      <add key="client_AllowWaitingForMail" value="true" />
      -> if the value is set to "false", the icon waiting for the selected media will be hidden in the agent interface.

In addition, here are some useful keys for the agent interface:

      <add key="autoReady" value="0"/>  
      -> the value is in milisecond (-1 for deactivating the autoready).
      <add key="autoRedial" value="true"/>
      -> allows the agent to redial several times a number on the same contact.
      <add key="popupOnConnection" value="true"/>
      -> the script pop up appear on the screen of the agent only when the agent pick up his phone.
      <add key="client_AllowAllEditionScript" value="true" />
      -> you can copy paste in the agent interface
      <add key="client_FreeResponseHeaders" value="true" />
      -> enables to edit mail response headers (from, to, subject)
      <add key="client_LocalAttachments" value="true" />
      -> enables to attach local files to the mail response

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