Configuration of a Chat activity NCS v3.0 (EN)

Configuration of a Chat activity NCS v3.0 (EN)


The objective of this article is to provide a detailed guide on the steps to follow to configure a chat activity.

Below are the steps to follow for deploying a model (which can, of course, be adapted based on your operational needs).

1.    Configuration of files

Attached to this article, you will find two files to download:
  1. : This file should be extracted into the CrAppServer directory; typically located at C:\Nixxis\CrAppServer\ncschat.
  2. : You can extract this file anywhere on your computer or a web server that can communicate with the Nixis application server. It represents the client side of the chat, and you simply need to open it in your browser.
Attention :
In the code of the index.html file in the public_website folder, at line 56, you will find an iframe pointing to http://10.x.x.x:8088/chat/
The IP should be replaced with the IP or FQDN of your Nixxis application server. However, you must retain the trailing slash of /chat/

2.    Chat activation

In the http.config file, it is necessary to make the following adaptations/modifications in the Agent application:
  1. Change the value of the client_AllowWaitingForChat key to True when necessary:
<add key="client_AllowWaitingForChat" value="True" />
  1. Change the values of the "concurrentChat" and "concurrentChatActive" keys to "1" (adjust the values according to your needs):
<add key="concurrentChat" value="1"/>
<add key="concurrentChatActive" value="1"/>
In the NCS administration, under the Integration section, click on the HTTP Chat plugin.

Adapt the settings according to your configuration.

  1. The storage path "recording" corresponds to the directory where files in text format will be written; for example, C:\nixxis\chatrecording
Attention :
The directory must exist beforehand. If it does not exist, create it manually.
Messages to be adapted according to your needs:

Save and start the plugin.
  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, follow the steps below:
a. Create a website named "ChatRecordings" and point the physical directory to the recordings directory; for example, C:\Nixxis\ChatRecording
b. Choose "DefaultAppPool" as the "application pool"
c. In the <Binding> section :
i. Type: http 
ii. IP address: <All Unassigned> 
iii. Port: 8082 (a free port) 

d. Enable "Anonymous Authentication" for the <ChatRecordings> site.

e. Activate <Directory Browsing> for the <ChatRecordings> site.

f.  Verify the functionality of the URL.

4.    CrConfigurator configuration :

  1. Open the CrConfigurator utility; usually, it is accessible at C:\Nixxis\CrAppServer\Provisioning\Settings\CrConfigurator.exe
  2. Under the <Transfer>, tab <Chat>, it is necessary to make the following adaptations:
Host: <<IISserverIP>>:8082
Root: {0}/{1}.{2}
Requested timeout: 360
Type: StrictHttp
Extension: txt
  1. Click the Save button to confirm the change. From now on, conversations of type <Chat> can be downloaded.

5.    Configuration at the Nixxis Admin level

Adding a chat activity

Add a chat activity to an existing campaign or create a new campaign and add a chat activity to it.
Information to insert:

Description : The name of the activity, e.g., Live Chat
Plugin : HTTP Chat


Enter "chat" as the destination and optionally provide an agent script if needed.

Finish and save.

You can now test the chat. 

7.    Details of the recording file :

  1. The recording file name (in the directory specified by the config key) is in the format conversationId.txt, where conversationId is the contact's identifier.
  2. The file is in text format and contains one line per event in the conversation. Each line is composed of the following elements, separated by a comma.
a. The date and time of the event indicated in the absolute number of milliseconds elapsed since 1/1/1970 at midnight. You can use an online converter to have it in another format.
  1. Example converter link: :
b. The type of event expressed as a numerical value in the following list:
0.   Enter
1.   Leave
2.   Say
3.   Whisper
4.   Activate
5.   Wait
6.   Hold
7.   Retrieve
c. The agent's identifier if the agent is the origin of the event.
d. The member's pseudonym originating the event, encoded in "JavaScript escape" format.
e. The message associated with the event, encoded in "JavaScript escape" format.
f. Variables that can be changed:
{0}: Agent Account
{1}: Agent First Name
{2}: Agent Last Name
{3}: Agent Description
{4}: Agent Display Text
{5}: Activity.Description

8.    Modification of the <ENTER > Send Key behaviour:

  1. Add the following keys to the agent application in the http.config file 
  2. The first key allows sending a message using the Enter key, and the second key enables using the CTRL+Enter key combination to insert a new line.
<add key="client_ChatEnterKeyBehavior" value="send"/>  
<add key="client_ChatEnterKeyBehavior" value="newline"/>

9. Adding additional activity

For each additional activity, it is necessary to add a "chat" application in http.config. Service restart is not required.
The ID should be unique, and the baseURL generally corresponds to the ID, as shown in the example below.

The new application is called as follows: http://appserver:8088/chat2/

<application id="chat2" name="Chat" type="NixxisChatApp" debug="true" sessionKey="agentScript">
<add key="baseUrl" value="/chat2" />
<add key="initialMessage" value="Hello, my name is {0} how can I help you ?" />
<add key="agentNickName" value="{0} {1} {2}" />
<add key="waitMessage" value="Please wait, we will connect you to a support agent" />
<add key="errorMessage" value="We are sorry, but we cannot answer your request immediately due to a technical problem" />
<add key="holdMessage" value="Just a moment please, I'll be right back..." />
<add key="retrieveMessage" value="Thank you for waiting" />
<add key="byeMessage" value="Thank you {1}, have a good day." />
<add key="leaveMessage" value="{0} left the conversation" />
<add key="filesPath" value="ncschat2" />
<add key="filesSettings" value="specificExt='.txt.html.htm.js.vbs.css';cacheControl='private';cacheDuration='10'" />
<add key="defaultFile" value="mychatfr.html" />
<add key="loginFile" value="mychatfr.html" />
<add key="recording" value="C:\Nixxis\ChatRecording" />
<add key="agentFile" value="/chat/crAgentChat.htm" />

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