Customize Wait & Pause screen - Agent Module

Customize Wait & Pause screen - Agent Module


This article aims to decribe how to add a web page to the pause and wait screen in the agent module.

Pause screen

  1. Open the Http.config file
  2. Add the following key to customize the pause screen :
<!-- Pause panel -->
    <add key="client_PausePanelType" value="Nixxis.Client.Agent.WebPanelControl, NixxisAgentControl"/>
    <add key="client_PausePanelParam" value=""/>

The link : will have to be replaced by the web page to be display in the pause screen.

Wait screen

  1. Open the Http.config file
  2. Add the following key to customize the wait screen in Agent application :
<!-- Wait panel -->
    <add key="client_WaitPanelType" value="Nixxis.Client.Agent.WebPanelControl, NixxisAgentControl"/>
    <add key="client_WaitPanelParam" value=""/>

The link : will have to be replaced by the web page to be display in the wait screen.

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