Integrating Excel, CSV, and TXT Data into Outbound Campaigns in Nixxis Contact Suite

Administration - Campaign - Data File Creation


This article intends to outline the process of creating an Excel file and integrating it into an outbound campaign.

Create an Excel File

Create an Excel file containing all the fields that you will need (result of the import- and result database)

  1. Do not use blanks and special characters (like accents) when defining the names
  1. Use an underscore instead
Add some extra fields that can be used if after starting the campaign you discover that you forgot some fields. This will ensure the same file can be used every time you discover a missing field.
Note : extra fields can be added to the database when needed but it will make it easier if you have foreseen some extra fields in a proactive way.

Implement the Data File to an outbound campaign

  1. Click on the "Data" button to open the Data management window

  1. Select "add data"
  2. Select the Excel containing the database file
Note : Files can be either csv, txt, xls 
Also ensure that you are using the correct encoding, it can be either "encoding utf-8 or ansi"
To know which encoding is set for your instance contact: 

  1. After clicking the ‘Next’ button, a popup will appear with the filtered records to be imported will give you the top 50 records in preview

The scroll bar at the bottom allows you to view the data fields of the records.
  1. A click on the ‘Next’ button brings you to a screen to associate the fields from the imported file to the fields in database

Define the fields that have a special meaning for the Nixxis Contact Suite

  1. Some fields have a special meaning and will be used by the Nixxis Contact Suite to perform specific actions. As an example: the field that contains the telephone number will have a “field meaning” relation with one of the special variables within the Nixxis system (e.g. Home Phone Number) the complete list of all “field meaning variables” can be found below(not all of them need to be used - at minimum one of the phone number variables is needed for an outbound campaign, none are necessary for inbound campaigns)
  1. Address part 1
  2. Address part 2
  3. Appointment Area
  4. Appointment date/time
  5. Appointment identifier
  6. Business chat address
  7. Business email address
  8. Business fax number
  9. Business mobile phone
  10. Business phone number
  11. City
  12. Contact description
  13. Country
  14. Customer ID
  15. Private chat address
  16. Private email address
  17. Private fax number
  18. Private mobile phone
  19. Home phone number
  20. Latitude
  21. Longitude
  22. Maximum dial attempts
  23. None
  24. Postal code
  25. Potential profit
  26. Region
Note : The Region variable will typically be used for appointment setting projects. It will indicate in what region someone lives. Only agendas of vendors linked to that region will be taken into account.
  1. Click on "Next" button, the file can be affected to an activity

  • A click on the ‘Next’ button brings you to the options to handle phone numbers: 

    1. Following fields are check boxes that be activated or inactivated by a click:
    1. Remove non numeric characters
    2. Remove prefix
    3. Add a prefix
    After a click on the ‘Next’ button, next summary popup appears: 
    1. Click on the finish button, you will get the following screen indicating that the database has been created successfully

    Note : A sample file can be downloaded in the attachment section.

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