Recording persistence flags

Recording persistence flags


This article aims to describe the types of marking for persistent records.


New parameters have been added on global settings, campaigns, activities and qualifications to be able to control the value of “KeepRecording” field in contacts table (in statistical database). “KeepRecording” supports the following values:
  1. 1: to indicate that the recording is to be kept 
  2. 0: to indicate that the recording should be removed
  3. Null: no special indication
(This is the default interpretation of the field value but integrators are free to take their own actions when appropriate)

The real action on the recording itself is outside of the scope of this document.

Administration also provides a parameter controlling the percentage of chance to set the “KeepRecording” value: that means that 100% implies that all related contacts will receive the requested “KeepRecording” value.

Evaluation of settings is done in the following priority: qualifications (highest priority), activities, campaigns, global settings (lowest priority, default value).

Global settings

Section “Recording persistence flags” has been added. Default value (flag not set, “KeepRecording” set to null) ensures backward compatibility. The screenshot show settings requesting that all recordings made are flagged to be removed (except if a campaign, activity or qualification requests something else).


“Automatic recording” settings and “Persistence flags” have been grouped under the new “Recording behavior” section. The settings shown on the screenshot request to flag recordings to be removed with 50% chance (like if a coin would be flipped for every call of the campaign). This behavior can be overridden by activities or qualifications.


Like for campaigns, “Automatic recording” settings and “Persistence flags” have been grouped under the new “Recording behavior” section. The settings shown on the screenshot does not specify any action on “KeepRecording”; that meansthat the behavior will be decided by global settings, campaigns and qualifications for contacts related to this activity.

Activities in simple campaigns

In all points like activities related to advanced campaigns. The example request to flag one third (on a long run situation) of the activity contacts as to be kept. This behavior can be overriden by qualifications.

Dispositions (qualifications)

A new entry “Specify recording persistence flags” as been added. The screenshot request that all contacts qualified with the “OK” disposition will have their “KeepRecording” flag set to 1 (whatever the parameters on global settings, campaigns or activities)

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