How to activate a Blacklist for an Outbound activity

How to activate a Blacklist for an Outbound activity

1. Introduction 
The purpose of this document is to give an overview on how to setup a blacklist for an outbound activity, and includes the detailed steps of the activation in Nixxis.
The blacklist function allows the flagging of a destination that can never be numbered again.
 Thus, even a manual call or the recycling of the campaign data will not allow this destination to be called. 

2. Selection of a blacklist 
2.1. Specifying a blacklist to be used 
In order to set up a black list for an outbound activity, you must specify that you want to use a blacklist (let’s choose "Belgian Black List").

2.2. Setting parameters for the blacklist 
By default, a new activity does not use a blacklist. Some parameters can be specified for the Belgian blacklist: 

a. "Direct Marketing": this option is activated by default: if the option is deselected, the effect will be the same as if no blacklist is used. 
b. "Reference" allows you to "share" blacklists. Concretely, this is the name of the blacklist used by the activity. The field can be left empty if the same blacklist is to be shared by all activities. 

3. Updating a blacklist 
3.1. Accessing the blacklist update page 
To fill in or update the blacklist, you must use the page: http://appserverip:AppserverPort/blacklist  
This page is used to specify the id of the desired activity as well as the import file that you can select using the "browse" button (Choose file). 

3.2. Getting the activity id 
To get the activityid: double right click on the save button in the admin module. 

3.3. Adding the blacklist 
3.3.1. Starting the process 
Once these two fields completed, use the "Add" button to start the process. 
The process takes some time - depending to the browser, a confirmation of the number of affected records is displayed. 
The operation updates the value of the "MODIFIEDDATE" field in the blacklist table of the Blacklist_BL2 database (for the Belgian blacklist). 

3.3.2. Format of the .csv import file
Some clarifications regarding the .csv import file: two formats are allowed: 
a. Belgian blacklist format: with the semicolon separator and where the header includes two fields (telephone number and date in YYYYMMDD format). 
b. "Other" format: with the colon separator, without header and including 5 fields (telephone number, level, categories, description, date of addition). 

3.3.3. Server address 
It is necessary to replace "server" with the IP address of the application server: http://server:8088/blacklist   

3.3.4. Adding numbers
Numbers can be added to the blacklist:  
a. via the qualifications (action: "Blacklist"). 
b. Also, manually using the URL as follows: 

3.3.5. Checking numbers 
It is possible to check if a number is "blacklisted" via this URL (exemple for the activityid selected above: 
Possible results are:  
a. -1 => Not BlackListed 
b. 1 => Blacklisted 

3.3.6. Deleting a number
A blacklisted number can be directly deleted at database level - by using the following query:

DELETE FROM [Default_blacklist_BL2].[dbo].[BlackList]
WHERE TEL = 'lenumérode téléphoneàsupprimer'

3.4. Consult a blacklist
The blacklist may be consulted at database level in the table [Default_blacklist_BL2].[dbo].[BlackList] - by using the following query: 

FROM [Default_blacklist_BL2].[dbo].[BlackList]

3.5. Configuring a blacklist for all activities 
By default, the system provides for the configuration of the blacklist independently for each outbound activity. 

It is nonetheless possible for you, using the following query, to define a blacklist for all activities that do not have a previously defined blacklist: 

For example for a belgian blacklist:
Update dbo.OutboundActivities Set BlackListProvider = '<Root><Config
name="Belgian black list" providerid="BL2"
providertype="Nixxis.Client.Admin.BlackList2Config, NixxisAdminControls"
/></Root>' Where BlackListProvider is null 
Changes are  displayed in the NCS admin only after an "admin reload" and not a save of the NCS admin - data being already saveguarded in the table dbo.OutboundActivities.

Note : any new activity will be created without the blacklist selection unless this action is performed in the NCS admin or that the update query is executed again.

Any new number added to the blacklist is applicable on all activities and it is not required to execute the query to define the blacklist for all activities after adding a new number.

3.6. Limitations  
NB: Please note, however, an import is limited to 70,000 contacts which seems to be a limitation of the browser, not of the tool. 

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