How to activate the Default Voicemail IVR

How to activate the Default Voicemail IVR

This article describes the options for triggering the Default Voicemail IVR in order to give the possibility to a caller to leave a voicemail message and its activation in the Administrator Interface of Nixxis Contact Suite (NCS) at the level of:
the inbound activity
the planning
the management of a no agent situation
the overflow condition of a queue
the listening to the voicemail messages left

1. At the the inbound activity level
The Default Voicemail IVR is launched at the start of the call flow of the inbound activity.

Access the "Call flow" tab of the activity, then select the "Default Voicemail IVR" from the drop-down list of preprocessors:

2. At the planning level 
The Default Voicemail IVR is launched in the event that the service is closed (according to the times defined in the planning).

Access the "General" tab of the activity, then:
a) select the planning at the "Queue" level
b) select the "Planninge specifying the closing hours"
c) choose "Action when the planning is closed" - here "Execute IVR"
d) select the "Default Voicemail IVR" as "Preprocessor"

3. At the no agent situation level 
In this case no agent is available to take the call.

Access the "General" tab of the activity, then:
a) select "Manage a no agent situation"
b) choose "Action" - here "Execute IVR"
c) select the "Default Voicemail IVR" as "Preprocessor"

4. At  the overflow condition level of a queue
The Default Voicemail IVR is triggered according to the predefined conditions:

Access the "General" tab of the queue, then:
a) check "Generates overflow"
b) select a "Conditions to activate the overflow"

c) for exemple to trigger the IVS after 45 seconds: choose "Waiting time greater than" as "Condition that triggers the overflow" and the "Waiting time greater than" - here "45 seconds"

d) choose the "Action when the overflow is activated" - here "Execute IVR"
e) select the "Default Voicemail IVR" as "Preprocessor"

5. At the listening level of the voicemail messages left
Voicemail messages are processed as special callbacks: a contact is inserted in the SystemData table and a field indicates that it is a voicemail message.

In order to be able to listen to the voicemail messages left, it is necessary to force an outgoing callback activity on the inbound activity.

To enqueue voicemail messages, all you have to do is configure the outbound callback activity to use the "Callbacks are enqueued" option.

The voice messages will thus be presented and distributed as soon as an agent is available (ready) for the outbound callback activity.

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