How to change the color theme of the Nixxis client software v2.4.9(agent interface)

How to change the color theme of the Nixxis client software v2.4.9(agent interface)

How to change the color theme of the Nixxis client software v2.4.9 (agent interface)


The aim of this article is to direct an agent on the process of how to change the background color/text color of the status view box in Nixxis Contact Suite 2.4.9 version.

Step 1:

Use ctrl + shift + double left clicks on the following spot

Figure 1:The agent interface

Step 2:

The following window is going to appear

Figure 2: The color change interface

Step 3:

Click on the dropdown button

Figure 3: The dropdown Menu

The different controls will be shown.

Step 4:

Select the item you want to change the color of. Ain this case we are going to change the info panel
which is here:

Figure 4: The info panel

Here we have selected the “info panel”

Figure 5:Gradient Info menu

As you can see the color is grey. you can simply choose the color you want, and the info panel will change
NOTE: A gradient can be made using these buttons
For example lets do Red

For a single color

Figure 6: Single color

For a gradient

Figure 7: using a gradient

Step 5:

We can also change the color of the text
We need to look for “Info Panel text”
before the text is white

                                                                                                                                  Figure 8:Before change

the text can be changed to any color you wish that is available.
for this example we chose blue

                                                                                                                                Figure 9: After change

Step 6:

The customize theme can be saved and set as the default theme.  When saving the new theme. it must be saved under the name "ThemeDefault.xml”.

The new xml file("ThemeDefault.xml”) must then be copied  to the following location on the AppServer wher the CrAppServer folder is running. 
The location will be the following:

By doing so , the theme will be loaded whenever the agent start the client software, without the need to import the theme manually

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