How to enable search via http relay

How to enable search via http relay

This document shows a sample configuration to implement to allow the search of recording files on Media server via HTTP relay.
Port 80 or other designated server port need to be opened to allow the traffic.

lighttpd configuration
File to modify: nano/etc/ lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
Adapt the below configuration based on your recordings path and filenaming.

Test configurations
After doing the configuration, the following command can be used to test if there is any syntax error in the lighttpd.conf file:
Syntax: # lighttpd -t -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

Restart service
Then restart the lighttpd service for configurations to be active using below syntax:

Syntax: # service lighttpd restart

Test service
Check if lighttp service is UP and Running:
Syntax: # service lighttpd status

Errors identification
If you encounter errors during the above step, check the error.log for details:
Path for error logs:

CrConfigurator configuration
The CrConfigurator tool works as a relay for the ‘Quality Monitoring tool’ previously known as ‘Recording’ that allow to search/download of audio files on the Media Servers or other storage media (ftp server/web server) via FTP(21) or HTTP(80) protocol.

In this example, we are configuring the <StrictHTTP> which is the same as <HTTP>, to fetch (allow to listen to audio via Quality Monitoring Tool) and download audio file via Quality Monitoring Tool.

We need to make individual entries for all searchable paths for the recordings on the NMS in the CrConfigurator tool.

Path: C:\Nixxis\CrAppServer\Provisioning\Settings\CrConfigurator.exe
On Applications-CrRecording, Transfer tab,Voice tab:
-Click Add and adapt configuration as explained below.
Repeat procedures for all searchable entries as defined in the </etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf> during initial configuration.

Configuration for path /home/recording/default
Host :<IP NMS>:<port number>/default                                                             
Type: StrictHttp
Root: {0}/{1}.{2}
User: <user defined in etc/lighttpd/.lighttpassword during initial configuration on NMS>
Password: <password defined in etc/lighttpd/.lighttpassword during initial configuration on NMS>

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