How to install Asterisk 11 on CentOS 7.x

How to install Asterisk 11 on CentOS 7.x

1.   Introduction
The purpose of this article is to provide a description of the Asterisk setup as a media server for the Nixxis platform by using the Asterisk 11 on CentOS 7 automated installation script available on the Nixxis Support bitbucket. If the server has not been installed yet, make sure to follow the CentOS 7 automated installation script first before continuing with this setup.

2.   Prerequisites
To be able properly complete the setup of the Centos Server you will need at least the following configuration details before starting the installation as well as a working internet connection either directly or via a (NAT) router/firewall.

                1.     Nixxis Application server information
                IP :

If you do not have any of these details, please contact the Project coordinator to provide you with these details before commencing the installation of the server. In no extent can any information be chosen at random as this can risk the whole infrastructure of the network.

3.   System preparations
If the setup of the IP PBX is not performed directly after installation the Operation System, please make sure to run the system update procedures first, if in doubt, run the system update.

3.1. Disabling iptables

                /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables stop
                /etc/rc.d/init.d/ip6tables stop

                chkconfig iptables off
                chkconfig ip6tables off

3.2. Disabling Selinux

                sed -i "s/[\s]*SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config
                setenforce 0

3.3. System Update
To perform a system update use the following command:

                yum –y update

After the system update, a reboot might be needed if a new kernel was installed (if in doubt please reboot before continuing)

4.   Installing from the automated script

4.1. Download the nms_centOS7_Asterisk11 script 

4.2. Once the script has been downloaded, verify that the NCS version is up-to-date in the script 

4.3. Use the nano command on the script « » to find the corresponding line:

Installation download link to be modified in case the version is not up-to-date in the script.

4.4. Run the script to start the installation:

sudo bash -install

4.5. Select language

4.6. Select codecs to be activated

4.7. Add the IP address of the APP server

4.8. Select no SIP account

4.9. A reboot is required once the installation is completed

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