tar zxvf libpri-1.4.3.tar.gz
Install libpri
pushd /usr/src/asterisk/libpri-1.4*
make clean
make install
20. Downloading and installing hardware/IAX2 support drivers
Downloading and installing Dahdi
For IAX2 Trunking time or Transcoder cards from Digium, the Dahdi (Digium Asterisk Hardware Device Interface) interface is needed (this replaces the old zaptel interfaces).
To download the dahdi drivers please execute the following commands in the same folder (/usr/src/asterisk):
yum install -y make
tar zxvf dahdi-linux-complete-current.tar.gz
cd /usr/src/asterisk/dahdi-linux-complete-current.tar.gz/
make all
make install
make config
Configuring Dahdi
To configure Dahdi with the devices that are present within the machine please execute the following command:
dahdi_genconf modules
This step will generate the /etc/dahdi/modules conf based on the hardware detected in the machine.
Start the service:
service dahdi start
21. Compiling and installing Asterisk
Install Asterisk
Execute the following commands:
cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-18*
./contrib/scripts/install_prereq install
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --without-pjproject-bundled --with-jansson-bundled
make menuselect.makeopts
It is very important to remove the flag BUILD_NATIVE in Compiler Flags.
Make sure to select func_curl in Dialplan Functions.
Within the “menuselect” tool make sure that at least the different sound packages are selected. Make sure that with the 3 sound sections
- Core Sound Package
- Music On Hold
- Extra Sound Packages
At least the ALAW and WAV sets for both ‘EN’ and ‘FR’ are selected.
It’s highly advisable to install also the g729 packages in case there is a chance of usage of g729 codecs. This will avoid transcoding for standard sound files and Music on Hold.
Build asterisk with the following commands:
make install
make samples
22. Transfer Nixxis Asterisk configuration files
These files need to be transferred onto the media server and can (before or after transfer) be adapted to your current installation situation.
Note: An easy way of transferring files onto a server can be done using the SFTP protocol. Either filezilla client (windows) or Cyberduck (Mac OS X) support SFTP and allow to login in to the server to transfer files directly.
Via Filezilla, transfer the folders ‘etc’, ‘usr, ‘var’ and ‘srv’ to the relevant folders on the media server.
Via Linux:
cd /usr/src/asterisk/
unzip Install.3.0.0.zip -d ./nixxis
pushd /usr/src/asterisk/nixxis/MediaServer/
cp -rf /usr/src/asterisk/nixxis/MediaServer/etc/* /etc
cp -rf /usr/src/asterisk/nixxis/MediaServer/usr/* /usr
cp -rf /usr/src/asterisk/nixxis/MediaServer/var/* /var
cp -rf /usr/src/asterisk/nixxis/MediaServer/srv/* /srv
Update the rights:
- /usr/sbin/* files to be executable à chmod a+x /usr/sbin/*
- /srv/www/lighttpd/* files to be executable à chmod a+x /srv/www/lighttpd/*
- /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/* files to be executable à chmod a+x /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/*
Convert to UNIX format:
- dos2unix /srv/www/lighttpd/*
23. Creating IVR and Recording users
adduser sounds
set a password
chmod 777 /home/sounds
chown sounds:sounds /home/sounds
mkdir /home/soundsv2
chmod 777 /home/soundsv2
chown sounds:sounds /home/soundsv2
adduser recording
set a password
chmod 777 /home/recording
chown recording:recording /home/recording
24.Web-server installation and configuration
chmod a+x /srv/www/lighttpd/
chgrp sounds /var/log/lighttpd/
chmod g+w /var/log/lighttpd/
sed -i 's|.*server.username = "lighttpd".*|server.username = "sounds"|' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
sed -i 's|.*server.groupname = "lighttpd".*|server.groupname = "sounds"|' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
service lighttpd stop
chown sounds:sounds/var/log/lighttpd/
chown sounds:sounds/var/log/lighttpd/*
chmod 777 /var/log/*
chown sounds:sounds/srv/www/lighttpd
chown sounds:sounds/srv/www/lighttpd/*
chmod 777 /srv/www/lighttpd/*
chkconfig lighttpd on
service lighttpd start
service lighttpd stop
service lighttpd restart
25. Adapting config files
cd /etc/asterisk
cp -rf sip_sample.conf sip.conf
cp -rf extensions_sample.conf extensions.conf
echo -e '\n[nixxis]' >> /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
echo 'secret=nixxis00' >> /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
echo 'read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config' >> /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
echo 'write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config' >> /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
# fail2ban installation
yum install -y fail2ban
cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
# Automatically start Asterisk on server boot
cp -rf /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk/contrib/init.d/rc.redhat.asterisk /etc/init.d/asterisk
chkconfig asterisk on
sed -i 's|.*AST_SBIN=__ASTERISK_SBIN_DIR__$|AST_SBIN=/usr/sbin|' /etc/init.d/asterisk
service asterisk start
service asterisk stop
service asterisk restart
# Installing Nixxis related options
touch /etc/asterisk/musiconhold_nixxis.conf
chmod 775 /etc/asterisk/musiconhold_nixxis.conf
chown sounds:sounds /etc/asterisk/musiconhold_nixxis.conf
sed -i 'N;s|directory=/var/lib/asterisk/moh\n;$|directory=/var/lib/asterisk/moh\n\#include \"musiconhold_nixxis.conf\"\n|' /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf
# Adaptation for Asterisk 18
Go to : etc/asterisk/nixxis
In those 2 files
Search and replace "WELCOME" in UPPERCASE letters into lowercase "welcome"
# /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
sed -i 's|.*preload => res_odbc.so$|preload => res_odbc.so|' /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
sed -i 's|.*preload => res_config_odbc.so$|preload => res_config_odbc.so|' /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
sed -i 's/noload = chan_sip.so/load = chan_sip.so/' /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
echo -e 'noload => res_pjsip.so' >> /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
echo -e 'noload => res_config_ldap.so' >> /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
echo -e 'noload => res_config_pgsql.so' >> /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
systemctl restart asterisk.service
# CLI> module reload res_odbc.so
asterisk -rx "module reload res_odbc.so"
# Sudo manipulation
recording ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "moh reload"
sounds ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "moh reload"
26. Asterisk configuration files
The folder /etc/asterisk/ contains the asterisk configuration files. If you do not already have your own extensions.conf then you can start with the extensions_sample.conf and rename it to extensions.conf to have a clean example to start your installation with.
Based on sip_sample.conf, generate your own sip.conf defining the various sip peers.
27. Maintenance
provides 3 maintenance scripts. Below follows an explanation on each of the 3 scripts. All 3 scripts
can be run from CRON at a fixed (nightly) job to perform the actions needed.
There is a 4th script that uses a command already included with RHEL to
remove old recordings from the server.
We advise
to store the files in /usr/sbin/ for them to be widely available to the system.
27.1. Setting
up cronjobs
All script
mentioned above are best executed at a pre-programmed time every day. Following
is an example on how to setup a crontab, though more detailed information is available on the internet.
example of a crontab entry will run the MP3 converter every day at 23:00 to
convert the recordings on disk:
By default
the crontab editor uses VI as editor, the user can tell the system to use a
different editor by default, for example Nano by executing the following command:
export EDITOR=nano
Next we
launch the command to edit the crontab by executing:
crontab –e
We add a
line per job to be executed, in our case to run the job at 23:00
0 23 * * * /usr/sbin/nixxis_mp3_converter.sh
Exit the
editor while saving the changes we made to the file. After this to following
command can be used to verify if the job has been put in place:
crontab –l
27.2. nixxis_mp3_converter.sh
scripts converts all .wav recording files into MP3 encoded files. This has a
big advantage on the amount of disk-space occupied by recordings if they are
kept on the Asterisk servers.
The script
by default considers that all recordings are stored in /home/recording (though
this can be edited in the script itself if it is not the case).
We advise
to run this script in a cronjob outside of production hours to avoid high CPU
load during production.
To enable the playing of the mp3 files:
Run “make menuselect”
Select “Add-ons”
Make sure “format_mp3” is selected: [*]format_mp3
Use the “Menu Select” command ‘x’ to Save and Quit
Run “contrib/scripts/get_mp3_source.sh” <-- IMPORTANT or you won’t have MP3 source to compile and your build will fail!
Run “make install”
You will now have MP3 support in Asterisk in addition to the default 16-bit, monaural, 8KHz sample rate WAV file format.
27.3. nixxis_recmove.sh
This script
will move all recordings to a given FTP server (normally used to move the recordings
from the Asterisk to the Application Server or some other external storage
The “recmove”
script is based on the scriptable FTP client Kermit which needs to be installed
on the server first.
adapt the nixxis_remove.sh with the
settings of the ftp server, the example file contains the following line, which
needs to be edited with the server, username and password of the remote FTP
ftp open /user:recording /password:recording
we need to tell the script how many days of recordings we’d like to keep on the
Asterisk server. Any recordings older are moved by this script to the remote
server. To set the number of days to keep, edit the following 2 lines of the
script to reflect the number of days, the example will keep 21 days of
recordings, meaning anything older than 21 days will be moved to the remote
ftp put /before:-21days /delete
if fail exit 1 ftp put /before:-21days /delete
*: \v(ftp_message)
Last step
is to put the script into a CRON job, for this see example earlier in this
Any other methods/scripts can be used to achieve this if you cannot install kermit on your distribution.
27.4. Tmpwatch
This script
allows you to remove files older than a certain number of hours from the server.
This allows for the cleaning of the /home/recording folder in the case there is
no off-server retention of recording needed.
A simple
crontab entry can be setup to remove the recordings from disk. The following example
will remove all recordings older then 30 days (5040 hours) from the server at
30 4 * * *
/usr/sbin/tmpwatch 5040 /home/recording/
Use this
wisely and make sure to understand that the numerical value of tmpwatch is in
HOURS and not days!
Here are some general steps and considerations for configuring SELinux for Asterisk, lighttpd, and vsftpd:
1. Set the Correct SELinux Booleans
SELinux booleans are simple on/off switches that can control various aspects of SELinux policy without requiring complex modifications. You can view the current booleans related to your services using the getsebool command and set them with setsebool.
For vsftpd, you might need to adjust booleans to allow FTP to read/write in user home directories or to allow network connections, depending on your setup.
setsebool -P ftp_home_dir on
sudo chcon -R -t public_content_rw_t /home/soundsv2
sudo chcon -R -t public_content_rw_t /home/sounds
sudo chcon -R -t public_content_rw_t /home/soundsv2share
This command sets the SELinux context of the specified directories to public_content_rw_t, allowing vsftpd to write to them.
# Lighttpd
For lighttpd, you may need to adjust booleans to allow HTTPD scripts and modules.
setsebool -P httpd_enable_cgi on
Set SELinux Context:
Use the chcon command to set the SELinux context for the "/srv/www/lighttpd" directory and its contents. The appropriate context for web server content is typically httpd_sys_content_t. Run the following command:
sudo chcon -Rv --type=httpd_sys_content_t /srv/www/lighttpd
This command recursively sets the SELinux context for all files and directories under "/srv/www/lighttpd" to "httpd_sys_content_t."
Adjust File Permissions:
Ensure that the file permissions are set correctly. For web server content, it's common to set the permissions to allow read and execute access. For example:
sudo chmod -R 755 /srv/www/lighttpd
This command gives read and execute permissions to the owner and read permission to others.
Restart Lighttpd:
After making changes, restart the Lighttpd service to apply the SELinux context and file permissions:
sudo systemctl restart lighttpd
# Cron job(maintenance scripts) in /usr/sbin/
Check Current SELinux Context:
Use the ls command with the -Z option to check the SELinux context of the shell script files:
ls -Z /usr/sbin/*.sh
Ensure that the files have an appropriate SELinux context. If they don't, you may need to set it.
Set SELinux Context (if necessary):
Use the chcon command to set the SELinux context for the shell script files. For files executed by cron, the context is typically cron_spool_t. Run the following command for the needed script:
sudo chcon -v --type=cron_spool_t /usr/sbin/nixxis_mp3_converter.sh
sudo chcon -v --type=cron_spool_t /usr/sbin/nixxis_recmix_delayed.sh
sudo chcon -v --type=cron_spool_t /usr/sbin/nixxis_recmove.sh
Review File Permissions:
Ensure that the file permissions allow the cron daemon to execute the scripts. The script should be executable (chmod +x).
sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/filename.sh
For Asterisk, there might not be specific booleans, but ensure related network and audio permissions are correctly set.
Check Current SELinux Context:
Use the ls command with the -Z option to check the SELinux context of the files in /etc/asterisk:
ls -Z /etc/asterisk
Verify that the files have an appropriate SELinux context. If they don't, you may need to set it.
Set SELinux Context (if necessary):
Use the chcon command to set the SELinux context for the files in the /etc/asterisk directory. For files used by Asterisk, the context is often asterisk_etc_t. Run the following command:
sudo chcon -Rv --type=asterisk_etc_t /etc/asterisk
This command recursively sets the SELinux context for all files and directories under /etc/asterisk to asterisk_etc_t.
Audio recording
sudo chcon -R -t public_content_rw_t /home/recording
This command sets the SELinux context of the specified directories to public_content_rw_t, allowing Asterisk to write to them.
Review File Permissions:
Ensure that the file permissions allow Asterisk to read the configuration files. Generally, read access is sufficient (chmod +r).
sudo chmod +r /etc/asterisk/*
Restart Asterisk:
After making these changes, restart the Asterisk service to apply the SELinux context and file permissions:
sudo systemctl restart asterisk