This article describes the procedure for license requests for Nixxis Contact Suite version 3.x.
This first request will generate a request ID. This request ID is strongly linked to the configuration of your server.

This means that if you change a device on your server (a network card, a processor,@IP ...) your license file will be invalid and you will have to regenerate a new request.

Always inform Nixxis Support( when you plan a hardware change on your server.
The approval of the license request is an accounting matter. Be sure everything is OK on this side.
When the approval is validated, you can simply request a license update.
License request procedure
1. Open a command prompt
2. Access the CrAppServer folder by using the command: cd /nixxis/crappserver
3. Run the command for license request : License.exe, enter customer name and distributor code(leave blank if no disitributor)
Or type in a CMD C:\Nixxis\CrAppServer>CRAppServer.exe -license
The License.exe utility is available in /nixxis/crappserver or alternatively as an attachment in this article.
MD5 checksum License.exe : 92495B62481AFF1E21A2094B615EA785
MD5 checksum : 474B096EE8BFF79E38010A75BC68A100
4. Once a feedback is received from Nixxis, run License.exe without any parameter to request a license renewal.
This will update the number of licenses and activate also the softphones if they have been ordered.
You can check your licenses in the CrAppServer.exe.lic file or in the ACD diagnostic page (
http://appserver:8088/acd/), check the line x/y agents where x = the connected agents and y = the maximum licenses available.