This articles intends to describe how to configure callback rules.
Accessing Callback Rules
The callback rules management interface can be accessed by clicking on the icon in the 'advanced' toolbar.
Callback rules are evaluated one by one in a specific order until a match is found for the current condition.
The order of the rules is therefore crucial.
To enable management, go to the "Callback Rules" section in the "Operational" menu:
Then click on 'Default callback rules' to access the default callback rules.
General Tab
In the General tab, you can configure the default duration for callbacks and the maximum number of attempts.
Default callback rule duration
Enter the default duration for callback validity by entering the time in the field or using the following window:
Click on the field and enter the time or use the 'up and down' arrows to set the delay. Click 'Ok' to confirm the data and close the window or press 'Cancel' to go back.
Rules Tab
On the left side, the callback rules will appear.
For each of these rules that appear on the left side, you can view the 'Condition to apply the rule' and the 'Action when rules matches' by clicking on the corresponding label on the right side of the sub-screen.
Adding a Callback Rule
To add a new set of callback rules or a callback rule to an existing set, click on the "+" icon in the contextual toolbar.
The callback rules creation window allows you to select the type of creation:
Adding a new set of callback rules
After selecting "Add a new callback rule set", the callback rules creation window allows you to specify the description of the new set of callback rules
Once the parameters are defined, click 'Next', the summary window will appear for a final check before completing the creation by clicking 'Finish'
Adding a callback rule to an existing set
After selecting "Add a new callback rule to ruleset New callback rules", the callback rules creation window allows you to specify the condition for executing a new callback rule, the number of repetitions, and whether it is a callback or not.
Once the condition, number of repetitions, and call type are defined, click 'Next', the window for specifying the actions to take when the new rule is applied will appear
Once the action, delay, and replacement of the dialing mode (if applicable) are defined, click 'Next', the summary window will appear for a final check before completing the creation by clicking 'Finish'
Deleting a Callback Rule
Select the set of callback rules or the callback rule in the column-structured window and click on the icon in the contextual toolbar.
Then click 'Confirm' to validate the deletion, click 'Cancel' to keep it.