Prerequisites - Servers

Prerequisites - Servers


These are minimum specifications for the shared management of incoming and outgoing activities.
These specifications may change according to operational needs and the performance expected in production
As from version v3.x, a permanent internet access is required on the application server to communicate with the hosts * and * on port 443.
Number or ressources of servers may need to be adapted depending on infrastructure and load.

30 positions

Minimum requirements
SpecificationsAPP Server & SQL ServerNixxis Media Server
Number of servers11
CPUXeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)
Memory16 GB RAM8 GB RAM
SSD3 * 146 GB SAS 15k Raid 53 * 146 GB SAS 15k Raid 5

Notes :
  1. App server & SQL server : Minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) + minimum SQL 2019 (Standard or Enterprise Edition - English – with internet and fully updated) with Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8
  2. Nixxis Media server : RedHat 9.4 Enterprise / minimum CentOs 7 (English version – with internet and full updated)
  3. UPS
  4. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Download the latest version according to your OS configuration:
    1. X64
    2. X86

60 positions

Minimum requirements
SpecificationsAPP ServerSQL Production ServerNixxis Media Server
Number of servers111(+1 backup)
CPUXeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)
Memory16 GB RAM16 GB RAM8 GB RAM
SSD2 * 73 GB SATA Raid 13 * 146 GB SAS 15k Raid 53 * 146 GB SAS 15k Raid 5

Notes :
  1. App server : Minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) (English version – with internet and full updated) with Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8
  2. SQL Production server : Battery backed write cache | minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) + minimum SQL 2019 (Standard or Enterprise Edition - English – with internet and full updated)
  3. Nixxis Media server : Battery backed write cache | RedHat 9.4 Enterprise / minimum CentOs 7 (English version – with internet and full updated)
  4. UPS
  5. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Download the latest version according to your OS configuration:
    1. X64
    2. X86

150 positions

Minimum requirements
SpecificationsAPP ServerSQL Production ServerNixxis Media Server
Number of servers112*
CPUXeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 8 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)
Memory16 GB RAM32 GB RAM8 GB RAM
SSD2 * 73 GB SATA Raid 15 * 146 GB SAS 15k Raid 53 * 146 GB SAS 15k Raid 5

Notes :
  1. App server : minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) (English version – with internet and full updated) with Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8
  2. SQL Production server : Battery backed write cache | minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) + minimum SQL 2019 (Standard or Enterprise Edition - English – with internet and full updated)
  3. Nixxis Media server : Battery backed write cache | RedHat 9.4 Enterprise / minimum CentOs 7 (English version – with internet and full updated)
  4. UPS
  5. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Download the latest version according to your OS configuration:
    1. X64
    2. X86
* : Based on one Nixxis Media Server for 120 concurrent channels

From 300 to 600 positions

Number or ressources of servers may need to be adapted depending on infrastructure and load.
Minimum requirements
SpecificationsAPP ServerSQL Production ServerReporting Server / Remote Admin ServerNixxis Media Server
Number of servers1114
CPUXeon 8 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 16 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 8 cores (3.2GHz)Xeon 4 cores (3.2GHz)
SSD2 * 73GB SATA Raid 11 * 73 GB SATA Raid 1 (system) | 1 * 1 TB SSD (data)1 * 73GB SATA Raid 1 (system) | 1 * 1TB SSD (data)3 * 146 GB SAS 15k Raid 5

Notes :
  1. App server : minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) (English version – with internet and full updated) with Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8
  2. SQL Production server : Battery backed write cache | minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) (English version – with internet and full updated)
  3. Reporting server / Remote Admin : Battery backed write cache | minimum Windows 2019 (up to Windows 2022) + minimum SQL 2019 (Standard or Enterprise Edition - English – with internet and full updated)
  4. Nixxis Media server* : Battery backed write cache | RedHat 9.4 Enterprise / minimum CentOs 7 (English version – with internet and full updated)
  5. UPS
  6. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Download the latest version according to your OS configuration:
    1. X64
    2. X86

*Based on one Nixxis Media Server for 120 concurrent channels.

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