Administration - Activity - Data filters

Administration - Activity - Data filters


In NCS (Nixxis Contact Suite), data filters are used to define specific criteria for selecting and filtering data within the system. They allow you to retrieve and manipulate data based on certain conditions, helping you to focus on the information that is most relevant to your needs. Data filters can be applied to various components of NCS, such as reports, views, or data expo

How to add a data filter on a specific activity

The example below describes how to add specific filters on an activity.
Note: Several filters are available depending on what you want filter in the data/records.
  1. In Administration, select Campaigns, expand the campaign, then select the Activity on which you want to apply the filter
  2. Go to the Data Filter tab and click on the + button
  3. The Data Filter tab will pop up, select Add a new combined filter with the filters of <activity name>, then click on Next

  1. Select the Field <Name>

  1. Once the field selected, select the Operator and if needed Operand
    1. Operator indicates which action or operation to perform
    2. Operand indicate which items to apply the action to
  2. Then click on Next

  1. Click on Finish 


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